How best to solve the IAQ problem in large buildings

Recently we had the opportunity to present our point of view on how best to solve the IAQ problem in large buildings. We knew it was a long shot that we might gain traction but here was an opportunity to do our best. Thanks to one of our team members who scoured their web site, he found the perfect statement that could validate what we were about to present and put us on their side. What we didn’t know was would the people we would be talking to know about the web site statement and would they have the same opinion?

The statement we found was that from their studies the concept of outside air being Optimum Air was a misconception. Further they state that Outside air is not “Fresh Air”.This goes directly against the view of ASHRAE Std. 62.1 Ventilation for Acceptable IAQ. Now hopefully we would be preaching to the choir. We fully agree that with these two statements after doing our own research.

The meeting was scheduled for 30 minutes so we decided a Power Point was out of the question if we wanted to achieve a true dialog on how best to remove indoor air pollution with less ventilation to reduce the huge energy use needed to condition all that outside air. The meeting lasted close to 1-1/2 hours. We were given good feedback as to what is needed to make their job easier to make our case to their clients.

This is very valuable and we are hard at work on doing just that.

- Jeff Roseberry , President, ProMark Associates, Inc.